Multidisciplinary author and visual artist, independent researcher and trainer





Multidisciplinary author and visual artist, independent researcher and trainer, GRESAC collaborating member. Laure Gervais’ raw material is found in scriptures. First with words, which she explores through dramatic art. She alternately takes on the roles of actress, director and author. Then, as plastic artist, leading to transdisciplinary reflections and artworks over feminism, art history, social representations and behaviors. Her approach links her aesthetic research with psycholinguistics and/ or psychosociology. She extracts the individual from cultural behaviors to emphasis human contradictions.

Laure is graduated in Social sciences (1994, ULB & 1995 Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France). While working as a communication manager for a Belgian company, she obtained a bachelor degree in Art history, Painting and screen printing. She was invited as artist-in-residence in China. She then founded the SisterArt collective for which she writes artistic chronicles, member of the editorial board of the contemporary art magazine Facettes #10, France; she is also a trainer in public speaking.


• Contemporary art
• Aesthetics
• Social representations
• Social sciences
• Feminism

Mis à jour le 24 mai 2024