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Brussels Art Market Workshop & ERC-Stg MOOVA kick-off meeting

Publié le 10 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 10 mai 2024



Université libre de Bruxelles - Palais des Académies

Brussels Art Market Workshop (21-22 May 2024) & ERC-Stg MOOVA kick-off meeting (22-23 May 2024)


Organised by Kim Oosterlinck & Anne-Sophie Radermecker



  • Filip Vermeylen (Erasmus University Rotterdam) - The market for female painters in early modern Low Countries
  • Yuqing Song (ULB, PhD Candidate) - An Exploration of the Relationship between Collaboration and Creative Success: The Case of Zhang Daqian
  • Luc Renneboog (Tilburg University) - Valuing digital collectibles
  • Luisa Bicalho-Ritzkat (LSE, PhD candidate) - Value investing in the Art Market: The National Gallery, London 1824-1994
  • Will Goetzmann (Yale University) - Selection-Neglect in the NFT Bubble
  • Yuexin Li (Renmin University) - Investor ATenUon, Home Bias and Art Market Segmentation
  • Isidoro Mazza (Universita di Catania) - Der Blaue Reiter art market price and export veto regulation: An interrupted time-series analysis
  • Kim & Eléa de Winter (ULB, PhD Candidate) - Dealing in Artworks During World War II: The Antwerp Auction House Campo
  • Tim Fry (Nottingham Trent University) - How did the art auction market react to Australian “Black art scandals”?
  • Darius Spieth (Louisiana State University) - Flea Markets from a Historical Perspective and their Contemporary Challenges: The Example of St. Ouen

ERC MOOVA kick-off meeting

  • Anne-Sophie Radermecker (ULB) - Introduction to MOOVA. Making Old Objects Valuable Again. The Cultural, Economic Challenges and Sustainability Opportunities of Ordinary Antiques in the 21st Century
  • Roberta Raccomandato (ULB, PhD candidate) - Valuing the Marginal: A Systematic Literature Review on Under-explored Heritage Categories
  • Alessia Crotta (ULB, PhD candidate) - The Platformization of Ordinary Antiques: A Business Model Typology on the Lowest End of the Contemporary Art Market
  • Federica Aramu (ULB, PhD candidate) - Preserving the Past for a Sustainable Future: The Consumption of “Ordinary” antiques


ERC MOOVA kick-off meeting


ERC next steps - Anne-Sophie Radermecker
Researchers needs - Advisory board’s inputs - Brainstorming session

ERC StG MOOVA’s advisory board

• DEVUE Christel (ULiège)
• FRY Tim (Nottingham Trent University)
• JANSSEN Catherine (ULB)
• MAKOVICKY NicoleHe (University of Oxford)
• MIGNOSA Anna (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
• TURPIN Adriana (IESA Arts&culture)

Additional participants

• ALMSTADT Fenya (ULB – TU Berlin PhD candidate in provenance research)
• BOURDON Béatrix (director of BRAFA Art Fair, hHps://www.brafa.art/fr )
• PEN Yinglng (PhD Candidate in art market studies – Erasmus University RoHerdam)