2. FR
  3. BAMLab

Team of researchers

Co-founders:  Kim OOSTERLINCK (Prof. at the Solvay Brussels School Economics & Management) & Anne-Sophie V. RADERMECKER (Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Department of History, Art, and Archeology – Cultural Management)


Kim Oosterlinck holds a master’s in management, a master’s in art history and archaeology, and a Ph.D. in economics and management from the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). After a post-doctoral stay at Rutgers University, he came back at ULB as professor. From 2006 to 2011, he held the chair in management of cultural institutions, and from 2011 to 2024, a chair in finance. From 2017 to 2024, he acted as Vice-Rector in charge of Prospective and Finance at the Université libre de Bruxelles. His main research interests are sovereign bond valuation, financial history and questions related to the art market. His work on arts includes, amongst others, the impact of fake discoveries on art markets, the reactions of art markets to monetary reforms and crises, art dealers’ business strategy, the question of expertise and copies, and the strategic motivations of banks to create art collections. Kim Oosterlinck has published several articles on the French, Dutch and Belgian art markets during WWII and works for the moment on a book comparing these markets with the British and German ones. He is currently co-chair of TIAMSA (The International Art Market Studies Association) and board member of the Wittockiana.



Anne-Sophie V. Radermecker is an associate professor in Cultural Management at the Université libre de Bruxelles (Chaire d’Economie des arts et de la culture). She graduated in both art history (University de Liège) and Cultural Management (Université Libre de Bruxelles). In 2019, she defended an original PhD dissertation dedicated to the contemporary market for Flemish old masters, at the crossroads of art history and economics. She is also a B.A.E.F. fellow from Duke University (DALMI - Duke Art Law & Markets Initiative) and a lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam (Master in Cultural Economics & Entrepreneurship). Her main research interests are the economics of art and culture, the market for old master paintings, the economics of antiques and indeterminate works of art, the reciprocal interactions between museums and the art market (including acquisition policies and deaccessioning), the issue of value in cultural economics, and quantitative methods applied to art history. She has published several cross-disciplinary papers in art history, cultural economics, economic history, economic, and cultural management journals. Her book entitled Anonymous Art at Auction was released in July 2021 (Brill, Studies in the History of Collecting & Art Markets). In 2023, she was granted an ERC starting grant for her project MOOVA - Making Old Objects Valuable Again. The Cultural, Economic Challenges and Sustainability Opportunities of Antiques in the 21st Century.

Among other research activities, she is involved on the BELSPO Brain-be 2.0 ProVenhance (Belgian federal project) dedicated to provenance research in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. She is a member of ACEI (Association for Cultural Economics International), TIAMSA (The International Art Market Studies Association) but also ENCATC, AIMAC, ICOM. She is also a member of the Collegium from the Royal Academy of Belgium, of the Conseil Fédéral de la Politique Scientifique, and an expert for a working group on a dialogue with the art market, created as a sub-group to the European Commission expert group ‘Cultural Heritage Expert Group’.


PhD Candidates

Scientific collaborators (ULB)

  • DAVID Géraldine (ULB/Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire)
  • DEVILLEZ Virginie (ULB/independent art expert)
  • LEROUX Alexandre (ULB/ProvEnhance)



  • MRAH – Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire (Brussels, BE)
  • MRBAB – Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (Brussels)
  • Isabella Gardner Museum (Boston)
  • Belvédère (Vienna)
  • Bibliotheca Wittockiana (Brussels, BE)
  • BRAFA (Brussels Art and Antiques Fairs)
  • Art on Paper (Brussels, BE)
  • Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles)

Mis à jour le 10 mai 2024